BOCAS DEL TORO: Birding Day Tour at Snowy Cotinga House


Experience an amazing birding day tour at Snowy Cotinga House and the surrounding Charagre area during your birding vacation in Bocas del Toro. This ideal spot for birding is located near the town of Changuinola and the Teribe River, just 50 minutes from Isla Colon (Bocas Town). This popular hotspot for birding offers easy access to rainforest trails, bird feeders, and different ecosystems with an incredible diversity of bird species.

Tour Highlights:

  • Birding in a private reserve 
  • Birding in different ecosystems
  • Bird feeders and great photo opportunities 
  • Traditional local meal
  • 60 – 115 birds species in a full day tour




Birding Day Tour at Snowy Cotinga house in Bocas Del Toro Mainland

White-collared manakin (Manacus candei) - Bocas del Toro

Snowy Cotinga House is a small family-owned and operated private nature reserve located in the community of Charagre on the mainland of the Bocas del Toro province. This area is home to many of Panama’s regional endemic birds that can be found only on the western Caribbean slope of Panama. This bird-watching tour allows birders the opportunity to spot species such as the lodge’s namesake, the Snowy Cotinga, as well as other bird species like the Black-cowled Oriole, Black-throated Wren, Olive-backed Euphonia, Northern Bentbill, Middle American Screech Owl, and many others.

During the tour, your guide will take you to explore different habitats that include a variety of terrain such as rainforest trails, grassy pastures, shrubs, scrub, riparian zones,  rainforest edges, and different farms that are strategically selected to increase the probability of observing different neotropical bird species during the day.

The property of Snowy Cotinga House covers 13 hectares with different habitats, offering birders the opportunity to see a substantial number of species on a half-day or full-day tour. Around 60% of the property is tropical rainforest cover, where there are good chances to see species such as the White-collared Manakin, Band-tailed Barbthroat, Little Tinamou, Uniform Crake, Purple-throated Fruit Crow, Checker-throated Stipplethroat, Pied Puffbird, Northern Bentbill, Black Hawk-Eagle, trogons, motmots, and many others birds that frequent the rainforest. Another 30% is an agroforestry system including cacao trees, bananas, and plantains, situated next to the Teribe River, creating a habitat where birds like the Cinnamon-bellied Saltator, Black-headed Saltator, Black-crowned Oriole, Brown Jay, Gray-rumped Swift, Green Ibis, King Vulture, Great Antshrike, Canebrake Wren, Olive-crowned Yellowthroat, Olive-throated Parakeet, American Pygmy Kingfisher, Northern Jacana, and many other birds can be found. The remaining 10% includes the garden and lodge area, hosting interesting species such as the Montezuma Oropendola, Scarlet-rumped Tanager, Keel-billed Toucan, Collared Aracari, Pale-billed Woodpecker, White-crowned Parrot, Crimson-fronted Parakeet, and several species of hummingbirds that frequent the garden as Bronzy Hermit, Long-billed Hermit, Stripe-throated Hermit, Band-tailed Barbthroat, Blue-chested Hummingbird, White-necked Jacobin, Crowned Woodnymph and other species. 


(Average 50 to 80 species of birds)


per person

  • 2 pax: $95.00 per person
  • 3 pax: $85.00 per person
  • 4 pax: $75.00 per person
  • 5 or more: Request quote


(Average 60 to 115 species of birds)


per person

  • 2 pax: $125.00 per person
  • 3 pax: $115.00 per person
  • 4 pax: $100.00 per person
  • 5 or more: Request quote

Photo Galery and tour highlights

General Details:

  • Location: Changuinola – Bocas del Toro Mainland
  • Start/Finalize: Almirante (Transporte Torres Dock) 
  • Pick up time: 6:30 – 7:00 a.m. (Adjustable according to your needs)
  • Level of difficulty: Easy
  • Staff: Birding tour guide
  • Tour category: Private birding tour
  • Type of terrain: Mostly flat

What is included?

  • Private transportation 
  • Pick up and Drop Off at the Transporte Torres dock in Almirante
  • Land transportation to different Birding Spots
  • Entrance fees to Snowy Cotinga House 
  • Breakfast & Lunch
  • Coffee and Refreshments 
  • Spanish & English naturalist speaking guide
  • eBird day bird list


  • Prices are per person and are shown in USD. 
  • We require a minimum of 2 people to book the tour. For solo travelers we also can arrange this tour at an additional cost.
  • Given that this is a personalized tour focused on finding the birds you want to see, we don’t have a set itinerary. Your guide will tailor the day to maximize the chances of spotting many bird species in the mentioned hotspots.
  • Please note that this tour has an early start. If travelers are visiting from Isla Colon (Bocas Tour) the meeting point will be Transporte Torres boat dock in Almirante at 6:30 am or 7:00 am.
  • Since it is a private tour, the pick up time can be accommodated to the visitor’s needs. 
  • Tour details may change due to severe rain, river conditions, or unforeseen events.

What to bring?

  • Long pants and comfortable shoes for walking
  • Insect repellent & sunscreen
  • Bottle of water  (refills are provided)
  • Binoculars 
  • Camera (Optional)
  • Rain gear

Is this experience for me?

This is a private tour that will be tailored to the visitor’s needs, whether you are an experienced birder or nature lover who enjoys seeing birds in their natural habitats. All the habitats have easy access, and birding will take place in flat areas with very well-maintained trails. 

Visitors will visit several birding spots, with land transportation included throughout the day to reach those locations. Your tour guide will be more than happy to arrange the morning to suit your preferences based on your targets, ensuring an enjoyable birding experience.

Your guide will be a local birding tour guide that is familiar with the area and bird calls. If you have a lifer list, share it with us, and they’ll do their best to help you to find your target species.

Lunch is included, along with beverages, and water throughout the day. The owners of Snowy Cotinga House, Señor Miguel and Señora Marina, will be your hosts and can share about the family’s conservation project on the property. They will also prepare authentic homemade Caribbean or traditional Panamanian dishes for lunch, which can be adjusted to accommodate the visitor’s diet.

More About This Experience


Snowy Cotinga (Carpodectes Nitidus) – Bocas del Toro, Panama.

The province of Bocas del Toro is indeed a great place for bird watching in Panama. What definitely makes this birding day tour special in this specific area is the strategic geographic location and easy accessibility to different birding hotspots that the lodge has. Also, the diverse types of habitats within such a small area and the abundance of tropical fruits or berries produced by tree families like Melastomataceae and Fig trees attract a variety of birds for close observation around the property. Additionally, it also helps that in the area there are bananas and plantain trees for human consumption that also attract frugivorous birds. The combination of all these factors make Snowy Cotinga House and the surrounding areas perfect for spotting numerous bird species. 

During a morning of birding (Half-Day tour), it is possible to observe between 50 to 80 species of birds. During a full day of birding, 60 to 115 species of birds can be observed without leaving the Charagre area. The number of bird species to watch in a day will depend on the weather conditions and season of the year.


Raptors migrating throght Panama | Photo by Aitor Gonzalez

Observing the raptor migration in Bocas del Toro, as well as all the songbirds and other birds that the migration brings from North America passing through Panama, is definitely a remarkable moment to experience. This is also another opportunity to add new bird species to your list. The Bocas del Toro Province, Changuinola area, and Snowy Cotinga House are situated at the corridor or crossroads for a diverse array of species during migration. The majority of raptors can be watched between the end of September to November. The most common species of raptors to spots are the Mississippi kite, Plumbeous kite, Turkey vultures, Swainson hawks, Broad-winged hawks, ospreys and the Peregrine falcon.

For songbirds, some of the species that visit the area regularly are Golden-winged Warblers, Black-and-White Warblers, Prothonotary Warblers, Mourning Warblers, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Scarlet Tanager, Yellow-throated Vireo, Baltimore Oriole, and American Redstart. It’s also possible to spot less frequent species such as Painted Buntings, Indigo Buntings, Blue Grosbeak, Canada Warblers, and many others.


This small reserve has been adapted to meet the needs of nature lovers, birders, and photographers. Around the garden area, a series of diverse native plants attract different species of hummingbirds and songbirds, providing photo opportunities of birds in flight or perched. The place also features hummingbird and bird feeders, ideal for observing and photographing some species. In the event of rain, there are different locations with roofs around the garden area to continue birding. Good coffee and tea are available throughout the day. After lunch, hammocks and chairs are available for resting and reviewing your sightings, as well as planning visits to the next birding spots for the rest of the afternoon. Internet access is also available for uploading your morning bird list to Ebird.

For Tour Reviews and Stories

Information to book this tour:

Please fill out the form below with your booking request. Payment is not requested until we verify availability for the dates that you are requesting, and also review any special request that you might have. By booking with us you are accepting our Terms & Conditions. If you have any question of how booking works, please see our Frequently Asked Questions for booking, and our 3 easy steps to book with us.

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